Dr. Oliver Schnorr
Dr Oliver Schnorr, MBA, Principal and Founder of EURO KHAN LLC and the head of the German Mongolian Business Association and deputy president of the European Union Mongolian Business Association. Apart from being the inventor of the “Oliver” electric bike in the 1990s, EuroKhan developed Mongolia’s 55 MW and as of today largest wind farm with European financial support. EURO KHAN provides amongst other products and engineering services off-grid power solutions including a growing renewable component.
Mr. David Paull
Mr David Paull B.Com, MBA (Cornell) has over 30 years’ experience in resource business development and industrial minerals marketing. Mr Paull is currently Non Executive Chairman of Asian Battery Minerals LLC and Chairman of Australian Goldfields Vermiculite Pty Ltd, a Director of Green LOHC Pty Ltd and a foundation member of the Mongolian Hydrogen Council. Mr Paull holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia, is a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australia and has an MBA with distinction from Cornell University New York.

Mr. Mark Read
Mr. Mark Read has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Verbrec effective on 13 March 2023. Mark is a results-focused senior executive business leader, CEO and Board director with a proven record of successfully establishing, transforming, acquiring and growing businesses to improve profitability, enable international expansion and achieve sustained growth. Over 30 years’ experience across publicly listed and privately held global engineering service companies with roles ranging from global enterprise management, engineering, project management and in turnkey construction through to operations and maintenance in a wide range of industries including Mining, Power, Environment, Water, and Infrastructure. Mark is recognised for possessing strong and proven executive leadership and management skills that have seen him achieve outstanding business results in multi-national and global enterprises, harnessing the power of Digital innovation and Renewable Energy solutions with a strong focus on positive ESG outcomes.